Board Of Directors
Abd Malik Bin A Rahman
Abd Malik Bin A Rahman
Chairman and Senior Independent Non-Executive Director
Abd Malik bin A Rahman (En. Abd Malik), a Malaysian, was appointed a Director of Amway (Malaysia) Holdings Berhad on 1 January 2019. He is the Chairman and Senior Independent Director of AMHB.
He is a Chartered Accountant member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (“MIA”), a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK) (“ACCA”), and a member of the Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“MICPA”). En. Abd Malik is also a member of the Malaysian Institute of Management (“MIM”) and a Fellow of the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia (“ICDM”).
Over the course of his career, En. Abd Malik held senior management positions at several companies in diverse industries including the Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Multi-level Marketing and Port Logistics segments.
He was formerly the Chairman of Affin Hwang Investment Bank Berhad, and formerly served as an Independent Director of Affin Bank Berhad, Affin Hwang Asset Management Berhad, Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Berhad, Innity Corporation Berhad and Lee Swee Kiat Group Berhad.
En. Abd Malik is currently an Independent Director of Mah Sing Group Berhad, AYS Ventures Berhad and CYL Corporation Berhad.
He has not been convicted of any offence within the past five years, nor has he had any public sanction or penalty imposed upon him by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year.

Michael Jonathan Duong
Michael Jonathan Duong
Managing Director
Michael Jonathan Duong (Mr. Mike Duong), an American, was appointed a Director of Amway (Malaysia) Holdings Berhad (“AMHB”) on 1 January 2017. He was also appointed a Director of both Amway (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (“AMSB”) and Amway (B) Sdn. Bhd. (“ABSB”) on 1 January 2017. On 1 May 2018, he went on to helm AMHB, AMSB, ABSB and Amway (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (“Amway Singapore”) as Managing Director (“MD”). On 1 April 2023, he relinquished his role as MD of Amway Singapore and took on a new role as MD of Amway Indonesia. Subsequently, on 1 January 2024, he reassumed his role as MD of Amway Singapore.
He began his career with Amway holding the positions of Director of Internal Audit, Amway Business Services Asia Pacific, and Director of Strategy & Planning Asia Pacific between 2008 and 2015. Prior to his employment with Amway, Mr. Mike Duong worked with Boeing from 1997 to 2008. His last post with Boeing was as its Senior Manager of Global Financial Services.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Science – Mechanical Engineering from Boston University College of Engineering, Boston, MA.
He has not been convicted of any offence within the past five years, nor has he had any public sanction or penalty imposed upon him by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year.

Low Han Kee
Low Han Kee
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Low Han Kee (Mr Low), a Malaysian, was appointed Director of Amway (Malaysia) Holdings Berhad (“AMHB”) and Amway (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (“AMSB”) on 6 June 1996 and 16 October 1995 respectively. He also serves as a member of the Audit Committee.
He joined AMSB in 1990 as Divisional Manager of the Finance & Administration Division and was promoted to General Manager in 1993 before being promoted to Managing Director in 1998, the position he retired from on 31 January 2016. He also served as Managing Director of AMHB from 1998 until his retirement on 31 January 2016. He was also a Director of Amway (B) Sdn. Bhd.
He qualified as a Certified Public Accountant in 1984 whilst serving in Ernst & Whinney (now known as Ernst & Young), an international accounting firm. He has since accumulated more than 30 years of financial expertise, having held senior finance positions in companies listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”), including Mulpha International Trading Corporation Berhad, a group involved in trading, construction and engineering, where he last held the position of Group Chief Accountant, from 1985 to 1990 before leaving to join AMSB.
Presently, he is a Board member of Leong Hup International Berhad.
He has not been convicted of any offence within the past five years, nor has he had any public sanction or penalty imposed upon him by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year.

Scott Russell Balfour
Scott Russell Balfour
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
He has not been convicted of any offence within the past five years, nor has he had any public sanction or penalty imposed upon him by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year.

Datin Seri Azreen Binti Abu Noh
Datin Seri Azreen Binti Abu Noh
Independent Non-Executive Director
Datin Seri Azreen Binti Abu Noh (Datin Seri Azreen), a Malaysian, was appointed as a Director of Amway (Malaysia) Holdings Berhad (“AMHB”) on 26 February 2019. She is the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee and a member of the Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee.
She graduated with a Bachelor Degree of Law (LLB) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and was admitted as an Advocate and Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya in 1996. Her exposure in legal areas includes litigation and arbitration, particularly on the corporate, commercial and conveyancing fronts.
She is also the Managing Director of Deluxe Merchant Sdn. Bhd. and has accumulated vast entrepreneurial experience in the food and beverage business. In addition, Datin Seri Azreen is also an advocate for empowering children with learning disabilities including dyslexia. In 2017, Datin Seri Azreen received the “Personaliti Industri dan Usahawan Malaysia” award from NiagaTimes for her immense contributions to the food and beverage sector.
In September 2020, Datin Seri Azreen conceptualised and created DMmart C-Store in Melaka which has been acknowledged by the State Government of Melaka as one of the state’s 12 potential new domestic tourist attractions.
Datin Seri Azreen is currently a Board member of Ta Win Holdings Berhad and Asia Poly Holdings Berhad.
She has not been convicted of any offence within the past five years, nor has she had any public sanction or penalty imposed upon her by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year.

Ho Kim Poi
Ho Kim Poi
Independent Non-Executive Director
Ho Kim Poi (Ms. Ho), a Malaysian, was appointed as a Director of Amway (Malaysia) Holdings Berhad on 15 March 2023. She is the Chairperson of the Audit Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee.
She obtained a Bachelor of Science from the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Adelaide, Australia, and thereafter a Master in Business Administration from the University of Lincoln, United Kingdom. She is a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (“MIA”) and CPA Australia (“ASCPA”). Ms. Ho is also a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia (“ICDM”).
Ms. Ho has more than 30 years of experience in finance and human resources. She began her career at KPMG Malaysia as a tax consultant. She then went on to hold senior management roles within corporations in the manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries. Thereafter, she joined a direct selling multi-national corporation and held several senior management positions including that of Chief Financial Officer, Regional Chief Financial Officer and Strategic Planning Director.
Ms. Ho is currently an Independent Non-Executive Director of Mah Sing Group Berhad and Senheng New Retail Berhad.
She has not been convicted of any offence within the past five years, nor has she had any public sanction or penalty imposed upon her by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year.

Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Norhanifah Binti A.Jalil (Pn. Norhanifah), a Malaysian, was appointed a Director of Amway (Malaysia) Holdings Berhad on 1 January 2024.
She has almost three decades of experience in the banking, finance, energy transportation, and telecommunications sectors.
Pn. Norhanifah graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration from the International Islamic University Malaysia. She commenced her career in credit supervision at Asia Commercial Finance and later evolved into process and project management roles within the banking industry. She then transitioned to the Human Capital domain in 2000 and led the Group Organisational Development at AmBank Group until 2011.
Since 2012, Pn. Norhanifah has held key senior management positions in several companies including that of Director of Human Capital & Communication at Danajamin Nasional Berhad, Head of Group Human Capital Strategy & Performance at Maybank, Head of Talent at Maxis, and Head of Human Resource Development at MISC Berhad. In January 2021, she assumed the role of Chief Human Resource Officer at Permodalan Nasional Berhad.
Pn. Norhanifah does not hold any directorships in other public companies and listed issuers.
She has not been convicted of any offence within the past five years, nor has she had any public sanction or penalty imposed upon her by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year.

Independent Non-Executive Director
Dato' Sri Harjeet Singh A/L Hardev Singh (Dato' Sri Harjeet), a Malaysian, was appointed a Director of Amway (Malaysia) Holdings Berhad on 23 May 2024. He also serves as a member of the Audit Committee and Nominating Committee.
Dato' Sri Harjeet holds a Master of Science in Information Technology from the Northern University of Malaysia and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from The Ohio State University, Columbus USA.
Dato' Sri Harjeet has over thirty years of public sector experience, having held key positions such as Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General of the Ministry of Health (MOH); Director-General of the Public Complaints Bureau at the Prime Minister’s Department; and Deputy Secretary-General of the Ministry of Women, Family & Community Development as well as the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology & Water. He was also the Assistant Secretary to the Selangor State Government.
He was a director of the National Heart Institute of Malaysia and a director of a private company involved in healthcare. In addition, he held director roles on the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council and the Medical Device Authority Malaysia, among other organisations.
Dato' Sri Harjeet does not hold any directorships in other public companies and listed issuers.
He has not been convicted of any offence within the past five years, nor has he had any public sanction or penalty imposed upon him by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year.