The brand story

Designed for You
We live vastly different lifestyles, and our bodies are built differently. So why should our weight management journey be the same? BodyKey by Nutrilite™ focuses on the balance between healthy diet, supplementations and exercise – with long-term results.
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The brand story
BodyKey Journey
BodyKey by Nutrilite™ is a wholistic package that delivers sustainable weight loss and lasting results, while integrating seamlessly into your lifestyle.
BK 21 Days Change Of Programme
A 21-day lifestyle oriented programme designed for beginners to build healthy, long-term weight management habits.
BK Warrior Programme
An intermediate level educational programme which aims to expand your BodyKey knowledge, health and business
BK Own-It Challenge
A 60-day self-organised community challenge, when you and your team members hit the numbers, we will incentivise you!
BK Coach Programme
Ready to bring your weight loss journey to the next level with XS and BodyKey? You might be the NEXT BodyKey Coach!
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What You Should Know About Weight Lost
Understanding Weight Management
Every year, millions of people in Malaysia try to manage their weight. Most fail. We are constantly bombarded with advice about dieting and the latest slimming fads. But what really works?

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Manage Your Weight In A Sustainable Way
Managing Weight Sustainable
BodyKey by Nutrilite™ is a science-based weight-management programme that provides a personalised fitness and nutritional regimen to help you reach your weight goals.
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Unlock A New You
Unlock A New You
BodyKey by Nutrilite™ can unlock your hidden fitness potential through a uniquely customised weight management plan that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.
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BodyKey Own It Challenge
Our BodyKey community is a close-knit group of highly passionate individuals, constantly motivating each other to reach their weight goals. We’ve collected real life stories of their weight management journeys to motivate you!
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